Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Scientific Research regarding the Brains of Schizophrenics with more accurate conclusions 06 13 2018

Scientific Research regarding the Brains of Schizophrenics with more accurate conclusions 06 13 2018

"The ventricles and the basal nuclei in the brains of schizophrenic patients are often found to be larger than normal, whereas the hippocampus and amygdala are found to be smaller.14"


The Basal Nuclei is also called the Basal Ganglia.

It reads to me that it is one of the first parts of the brain to form!  It reads to me like it is the "heart" of the brain. 

Because it forms first and is larger in schizophrenics does that mean that it is abnormal or more normal?  I will assert it is normal to have a larger basal ganglia.  Why?  Because it means there were no fetal alcohol syndrome (and other) effects that would have caused it to be smaller!

And look at how that Basal Ganglia is "wired" and what its function is?  It is Integral to the other parts of the brain that form from it.  An analogy would be that the brain of a schizophrenic has bigger and stronger "roots!"  It makes you more human!

The Basal Ganglia also controls what is important to you and what is not, ie what enters working memory.  Think about it.  Why would the demonic want to "Ape" your thoughts?  Because you have the ability to gate in your memory what is important and what isn't and they do not.  Get it?

It is bigger and it is also responsible for Decision Making!  Your human brain is coveted because of your better ability to make decisions.  In effect your larger Basal Ganglia means that you think more responsibly.

All the more reason the demonic want to screw you up.  Can't make money from someone that see's right through the gobbledygook!  What does Decision Making mean?  It means you don't act on impulse!  You don't fall for fem fatals?  You don't get married and have kids you can't support!  You don't get married and have children you have no intention on raising yourself!

What about its role in motivation?  You are naturally happy!  Why because you basal Ganglia is larger and therefore has more dopamine?  Because you think clearly?  And indeed that is why the demonic seek to make you work harder?  Because you think clearly?  Because they rely on your thinking?  Would you want a barbaric criminal to do your thinking?  No.  You would want someone that has an optimum brain structure.  Hence in your life you faced every illegitimate reason that barred you from success?  Why?  Because if you become content those who are dependent minded to you,  1.  Make the wrong decisions because they are no longer based off your working mind.  2.  Become depressed because they have no connection to human thinking.  Both reasons to curse the heck out of you and keep you from achieving.  Keep those who can achieve from achieving so that you can learn from them in lock step everything?  Like how a cat brings back a live but wounded mouse for your kittens to learn how to kill from?

Think of Basal Ganglia development like this.  Say that you are setting off a fireworks.if somehow you are able to restrict the fireworks initially then ....scratch that.  Lets say you plant a seed to something.  And you don't water it.  It is going to be runted isn't it.  The comparison being that a larger basal ganglia means that your brain developed better and more normally!  It is internally linked in a more integral manner because of it.  The phrase you can fool some of the people all of the time but not all of the people all of the time applies to you.  You are that person they can't fool.  Hence they come up with b/s like the "pruning" function in your brain is off.   Complete b/s your brain has stronger roots in its better developed basal ganglia.  

So what are the brain disorders associated with smaller basal ganglia?  Alzheimer's is one of them.  Where one believes what pleases them to think instead of knowledge based truth?

And what of schizophrenic delusions?  Real simple.  You had a clear understanding of how to reach goals in life.  That which is dependent minded to you used that template.  And in return gave you the imprint that you were already what you thought you could be.  While they ran wild with the map of how to do it provided by your brain.

Yeah I know it sounds delusional.  But it isn't.

Fetal Alcohol syndrome based mental retardation without any outward physical signs is a lot more common than you realize. That is who covets your mind/brain.  And guess whose brain roots are runted?  Not yours!

Your brain has a larger "headquarters!" The Basal Ganglia!  With a larger "headquarters" some of the other areas can be smaller and your brain still extremely more efficient!  Get it?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

PS.  I am still looking for the scientific study that I read which said that the brains of schizophrenics do not have a gap in the frontal lobe as does the general population.  Not having that gap would also mean that your brain does not have any "bridges that are out!"  It means that you can form that more relaxed thinking brain wave far better than someone that has the gap!  What is it?  It means that you experience love in this world more easier?  Why?  Because your mind is more easily able to sync up to that of one of your parents as they were teaching you?  It is called imprinting.  Compare that to someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  Without a doubt they have that bridge that is out in the form of an extra gap in the front of their brains.

One could say that in your life you have experienced a lot of people that attempted to talk circles around you?  However because of the strong human root of your brain you didn't fall for it.  And because you don't act on temptation you are labeled paranoid?  How horrific.

More than one person in this world knows that I am telling the truth!

It is also responsible for body movement.  I bet that you move like a cat and are extremely fast when you need to be too?

Are the Basal Nuclei of your individual "Cells" also bigger?  I would have to bet that they are!  Although I doubt a study has ever been done on that comparison!

It would seem to me that if your embryo development had a greater Basal Nuclei then the heart of every cell in your body just might be bigger too?

Kind of how you get apples from an apple tree and not smaller cherries?

Good God use your powers of Deduction to determine what I said is true!  Yours is larger and the basal ganglia have been linked to many disorders but not schizophrenia!  Read all of the disorders the Basal Ganglia have been linked to!

The following is a list of disorders that have been linked to the basal ganglia:[citation needed]

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